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Within the framework of training, the members of the LGBC are responsible or co-leaders of courses at all levels of higher education (Bachelor - Master - Doctorate):
The main objective of this professional degree is to provide the scientific, technical and cross-disciplinary skills necessary to quickly integrate into production, R&D, quality and analytical laboratories of industries producing by biotechnological and / or physicochemical routes eco-compatible, raw materials bio-sourced high-added value. This training is therefore part of the national perspective of reindustrialization through "new resources."
The M1 Biology-Health trains students to become researchers and research engineers in public and private organizations (large groups and start-ups) for any project based on a molecular and cellular understanding and use of living systems. Through several platforms, it allows students to acquire the language, scientific culture, and level of thinking required to conduct and participate in multidisciplinary and innovative projects.
Genetics, molecular and cellular biology platform
Microbiology Platform
Platform Physiology and Physiopathology Platform
Head of the M2 Biology of Aging (BVI) (JM Corsi)
The objective of this course is to train future actors in translational research on the mechanisms of aging: researchers from public organizations and industry, heads of hospital and university departments in geriatrics. It also prepares students for doctoral school competitions for thesis projects related to this scientific field.
Co-leader of the M2 Gene, Cell, Development (GCD) (I Guénal)
The Master Gene Cell Development is an intensive program, including advanced courses, seminars, and training through research. It is suitable for students with a Master 1 degree, having a good level in cell biology, genetics, and epigenetics. Students should also be curious and open to new areas such as stem cell biology, cancer biology, and developmental biology.
Co-leader of the M1 and M2 Pro Natural Cosmetic Raw Materials (MPNC) (S Gaumer)
The aim of the "Natural Cosmetic Raw Materials" Master's program, conducted in partnership with ISIPCA, is to train students with a dual competence in chemistry and biology adapted to the research and development needs expressed by the cosmetics industry. Through apprenticeship, the program aims to train graduates capable of :
- Conducting a development project for raw materials or active ingredients of natural origin (scientific watch in botany and/or pharmacognosy, extraction and purification techniques, analysis and quality control, safety control, efficacy evaluation, regulations, raw material presentation file)
- To lead a finished product development project incorporating all or part of raw materials of natural origin (technological watch, formulation techniques, organoleptic and physicochemical control, stability control, industrialization, regulations, finished product presentation file)
- To play a coordinating role between fundamental research, research and development, and the marketing and communication departments
UVSQ correspondent Master Biology-Health (BS) (Isabelle Guénal)
Students graduating with the Master's degree in Biology-Health / Life Sciences and Health at the University of Paris-Saclay master the concepts of biology from the scale of the molecule to that of the organism. They have theoretical and practical expertise in a defined field of research in biology and health. They can plan an original research project and conduct it independently from an experimental point of view.
Deputy Director Doctoral School Structure and Dynamics of Living Systems (SDSV) (Isabelle Guénal)
The ED SDSV (ED n°577) is a doctoral school of biology approaching research in both its fundamental and applied aspects. It relies on a group of high-level research units recognized at the national and international levels. Its objective is to train PhDs by giving them the best keys for pursuing their career, whether academic or in a private company.
Responsible for the Licence Pro BioProcess Engineering (LP GPBIOP) (Nathalie Leleu)The main objective of this professional degree is to provide the scientific, technical and cross-disciplinary skills necessary to quickly integrate into production, R&D, quality and analytical laboratories of industries producing by biotechnological and / or physicochemical routes eco-compatible, raw materials bio-sourced high-added value. This training is therefore part of the national perspective of reindustrialization through "new resources."
Head of the M1 Biology-Health - Versailles site (Aurore Rincheval)The M1 Biology-Health trains students to become researchers and research engineers in public and private organizations (large groups and start-ups) for any project based on a molecular and cellular understanding and use of living systems. Through several platforms, it allows students to acquire the language, scientific culture, and level of thinking required to conduct and participate in multidisciplinary and innovative projects.
Genetics, molecular and cellular biology platform
Microbiology Platform
Platform Physiology and Physiopathology Platform
Head of the M2 Biology of Aging (BVI) (JM Corsi)
The objective of this course is to train future actors in translational research on the mechanisms of aging: researchers from public organizations and industry, heads of hospital and university departments in geriatrics. It also prepares students for doctoral school competitions for thesis projects related to this scientific field.
Co-leader of the M2 Gene, Cell, Development (GCD) (I Guénal)
The Master Gene Cell Development is an intensive program, including advanced courses, seminars, and training through research. It is suitable for students with a Master 1 degree, having a good level in cell biology, genetics, and epigenetics. Students should also be curious and open to new areas such as stem cell biology, cancer biology, and developmental biology.
Co-leader of the M1 and M2 Pro Natural Cosmetic Raw Materials (MPNC) (S Gaumer)
The aim of the "Natural Cosmetic Raw Materials" Master's program, conducted in partnership with ISIPCA, is to train students with a dual competence in chemistry and biology adapted to the research and development needs expressed by the cosmetics industry. Through apprenticeship, the program aims to train graduates capable of :
- Conducting a development project for raw materials or active ingredients of natural origin (scientific watch in botany and/or pharmacognosy, extraction and purification techniques, analysis and quality control, safety control, efficacy evaluation, regulations, raw material presentation file)
- To lead a finished product development project incorporating all or part of raw materials of natural origin (technological watch, formulation techniques, organoleptic and physicochemical control, stability control, industrialization, regulations, finished product presentation file)
- To play a coordinating role between fundamental research, research and development, and the marketing and communication departments
UVSQ correspondent Master Biology-Health (BS) (Isabelle Guénal)
Students graduating with the Master's degree in Biology-Health / Life Sciences and Health at the University of Paris-Saclay master the concepts of biology from the scale of the molecule to that of the organism. They have theoretical and practical expertise in a defined field of research in biology and health. They can plan an original research project and conduct it independently from an experimental point of view.
Deputy Director Doctoral School Structure and Dynamics of Living Systems (SDSV) (Isabelle Guénal)The ED SDSV (ED n°577) is a doctoral school of biology approaching research in both its fundamental and applied aspects. It relies on a group of high-level research units recognized at the national and international levels. Its objective is to train PhDs by giving them the best keys for pursuing their career, whether academic or in a private company.